Founder - V.02 Certified Coach

Founder - V.02 Certified Coach

Founder - V.02 Certified Coach

Currently based out of New York City - but working with clients across multiple time zones - Carlos started competing in track and field events in high school (400m, High Jump, Long Jump) but never attempted long-distance running until 2010 when he decided to sign-up for his first half-marathon. Carlos learned the hard way that - running without proper training - could become a very painful experience.

Subsequently, Carlos used what he had learned from his original race - and decided to take on his first full-marathon in 2011 (NYC Marathon) with formal training across all distances from 1-mile sprints to full marathons. Since then Carlos has completed 12 Marathons (4/6 Majors completed) & close to six-dozen other races across multiple distances.

Carlos had his racing breakthrough in 2018 when he dropped 25+ minutes from his Marathon PB - and continued to lower his times since then to 3:00:06 at the 2021 Philadelphia Marathon. Carlos' other notable PBs include a 1:26:04 half-marathon and a 17:39 5K.

  • Running Coach
  • HS & Collegiate Track & Field Athlete
  • V.02 Certified Coach

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