I Want to Start Running: Tips to Help You Get Started

I Want to Start Running: Tips to Help You Get Started

I Want to Start Running: Tips to Help You Get Started

Posted on April 5th, 2023.

So you've decided that maybe you want to give running a chance - that's great!

Starting running as a hobby - or in a more competitive manner - is a great way to improve your physical health and overall well-being, while also becoming part of a great community that is always welcoming and happy to share feedback and experiences towards running. 

Here are ten tips to help you get started on your new running journey - in no specific order:

1. Start slow and gradually increase your distance and speed. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your baseline as a runner. So we do not suggest that you try to run a marathon on your first day.

2. Invest in a good pair of running shoes to prevent injury and improve your comfort while running. Find your local runners store and take the time to speak to the team-members to better understand your running-form and which shoes best fit your needs.

3. Find a running partner or join a running group to help keep you motivated and accountable. We get it - som of you may prefer to run alone - but there is a great amount of value that comes from having others going through the same kind of workouts and learnings as you - and running with company is likely to help make time go by faster as well.

4. Set achievable goals for yourself, such as running a certain distance or time - Too much & too soon can lead to burnout or injury.

5. Life can be hectic. Work, family, emergencies, etc. will always need our attention. Work on creating a running schedule or calendar that works with your lifestyle and stick to it - and don't feel bad about missing a workout. The same way that one extra workout won't make or break your overall goal, one less workout won't either.

6. Mix up your running routine by adding in longer and shorter distances, different types of runs, such as intervals or hills, as well as strength training. If you are unsure as to what other types of workouts and runs may look like this is a great reason to reach out to a Coach to assists you with this portion of your routine.

7. Always stretch pre/post run and try incorporating strength training into your routine to prevent injuries and improve your running performance. 

8. Nutrition is key for your body to properly sustain an increase in activity and perform at elevated levels. In addition - as you begin to run longer distances - the importance of proper nutrition increases. Fuel your body with nutritious food and stay hydrated before and after your runs.

9. Listen to your body and take rest days when needed. As we mentioned in Tip #5 - "one less workout won't" make or break your goal. And proper rest is essential for all runners - new and experienced runners.

10. Celebrate your successes! There is always a positive to every single workout - make sure you find it.

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