Sleep: Why It's Key to Our Development as Runners

Sleep: Why It's Key to Our Development as Runners

Sleep: Why It's Key to Our Development as Runners

So you've likely heard on multiple occasions that sleep and rest are crucial components of any fitness regimen. Do you know why that is though? Here are some of the primary reasons why:

1. Muscle recovery: Each time that we exercise, we are essentially breaking down muscle fibers - to what degree depends on the intensity of the workout. It is during rest periods that our body repairs and rebuilds those muscles. If we do not achieve a proper amount of sleep and rest during training periods - we do not allow our body to recover and heal from the physical stress of exercise, which in turn helps us to build strength and endurance.

2. Energy conservation: Sleep and rest are essential for energy conservation. Without energy we are unable to perform at our highest level and the lack of rest can also cause fatigue, making it more difficult to push yourself during workouts.

3. Injury prevention: Getting enough sleep and rest can help in general with prevent injuries. When we are tired, our reaction time slows down, as a consequence our coordination tends to lag and is not as sharp, which increases the risk of accidents and injuries (both sport and daily-life related). Additionally, a fatigued body will not perform at 100% - with the risk of adding poor form and technique to our training and increasing the risk of overuse injuries.

4. Mental health: There are multiple studies that confirm that sleep and rest are essential for overall mental health and wellbeing. Some of the effects of reduced sleep and rest are an increase in mood swings, irritability, and decreased motivation, making it harder to maintain a consistent routine let alone a consistent training routine. Getting enough rest can increase both focus and energy, making it easier to stick to your fitness goals.

In summary, having proper sleep and rest routines are just as relevant as the exercise itself. It's important to prioritize rest and recovery as part of your fitness routine to achieve the best results and prevent injury.

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